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Call to Action: Support Asylum and Extend EFSP-H Funding

A sign in Spanish in the style of the American flag supports black lives, immigrants, and refugees

There is an urgent need for support for border shelters in Texas and New Mexico. The recent decision by the Emergency Food and Shelter Program (EFSP) board to deny an extension request for Fiscal Year 2023 humanitarian funding will result in the immediate defunding of at least five critical shelters in Texas and New Mexico.

The funding in question has already been directed for allocation to experienced NGOs to provide these vital services, but the decision by the EFSP-H board to deny an anticipated extension was given with only two weeks remaining of the existing spending period. The result of this short notice decision is that planned operational funds will not be available for at least five border shelters, even though these shelters have yet to receive other FY2024 funding to cover the shortfall.

Border Servant Corps (BSC), an indispensable sheltering partner providing services in the El Paso Sector as well as New Mexico, will be forced to close their doors by June 1st unless the funding extension is approved. "EFSP-H has been critical to our organization, and remains critical while we navigate the changeover to [the Shelter and Services Program] (SSP)," reports Kyle Boyd, Deputy Director of BSC. "Without this funding, we will be forced to close our doors while the forward funding process of SSP is implemented."

Valeria Wheeler, Executive Director of Mission: Border Hope (MBH), affirmed that their shelter is also in dire straits without an extension of the EFSP-H funding. "EFSP is the biggest funding source... all of our operations depend on this funding," she reported. As the only asylum seeker shelter in Eagle Pass, TX, the potential $3 million shortfall is anticipated to lead to thousands of migrants being released from DHS to the streets without services starting in June, and potential closure of the shelter within 3 months.

The five identified shelters that will lose operational funding due to the EFSP board decision collectively provided essential emergency reception and services to more than 250,000 asylum seekers in 2023 alone.

Advocacy Needed

Sign the Organizational Letter

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is rallying support for Border Servant Corps, which is directly impacted by this funding cut. Please sign the organizational letter to urge the EFSP board to reconsider their decision and extend EFSP-H funding.

Contact Your Elected Representatives

Call or submit a message to your elected representatives to express the urgent need to extend EFSP-H funding until the end of 2024. Highlight the importance of these shelters and the critical services they provide to vulnerable asylum seekers.

Appeal to the Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA)

Ask FEMA administrators in Region 6 to intervene and provide whatever support is needed to allow the EFSP board to granting an extension on the EFSP-H funding until the end of 2024. It is crucial to ensure that these essential shelter services continue uninterrupted.

Collective action makes a significant impact in the border communities that tirelessly provide humanitarian aid and shelter to newly arrived asylum seekers every day. By collectively raising our voices alongside those communities, we can ensure that these emergency shelters continue to provide essential refuge and support to those in urgent need.

Thank you for your steadfast commitment to justice and compassion.


Sample Message to Your Representatives
"Dear [Representative/Senator], I am writing to express my deep concern about the recent decision to deny the extension of EFSP-H funding for shelters on the Southwest border. These shelters, including those managed by Border Servants Corps, Mission: Border Hope, and the Holding Institute, provided critical support to over 250,000 asylum seekers in 2023. Without an extension of funding until the end of 2024, these essential services will be severely impacted, putting countless lives at risk. I urge you to advocate for the extension of EFSP-H funding and support the continued operation of these vital shelters. Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter. Sincerely, [Your Name]"


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